14 January 2009

Wearing the face that he keeps in a jar by the door

I'm one of those guys who rarely uses the status line on facebook to actually tell people where I am or what I'm doing. I like to quote songs, the more obscure and obtuse the better.

Yesterday, I was surfing the net at a coffee shop while the Beatles mash-up disc, Love was playing. When "Eleanor Rigby's" distinctive orchestration started, I began thinking about how that song is usually the first one I think of when people ask me my favorite Beatles song, along with "Nowhere Man," and "A Day in the Life." Part of me just wants to be the contrarian and throw my support behind Paul McCartney's most depressing song while the masses sway to "Hey Jude," for the billionth time. 

But then I heard my favorite line. "Waits at the window / wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door / who is for?" I know what it's supposed to mean, but ever I first became aware of the song when I was 12, a part of me wants to take the line literally - to think that Eleanor Rigby really does have multiple faces that she can take off and keep in jars. It's a strangely grotesque image to hear in a Beatles song.

So of course, I went to Facebook to change my status. And to my surprise... people commented. None the names were changed, because no one is innocent.

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