29 January 2009

I like Neko Case more than your dog.

At the risk of sounding insensitive, I don't rank animal issues that highly on my inner chart of moral issues. Yes, cruelty is bad no matter the species, but I can't be a vegetarian or vegan simply because animals taste too good. Sorry, but there are some HUMAN rights issues I'd like to see solved before animal rights.

That being said, I completely respect Neko Case, one of the best singer/songwriters making music today (her last album Fox Confessor Brings the Flood was my favorite album of 2006), and her support of bestfriends.org, a charity that helps find homes for homeless pets. To show support for that charity (but really support for all things Neko), I'm posting a link to a download of the song "People Got a Lotta Nerve," a typically pretty and atypically goofy new song from her upcoming album Middle Cyclone. ANTI records will donate five dollars to the Best Friends organization. Enjoy!


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