07 January 2009

Looking for Northern Illinois folks for radio story...

Hello friends, 

As some of you may know, I work as a part-time reporter for public radio station, 89.5, WNIJ in DeKalb. (Whereyoulearnsomethingneweveryday) I'm writing this to ask a favor. There are a couple of stories I'm working on for the station and I'm looking for people to feature.

First - we're trying to put together an hour-long special the Sunday before inauguration day about Barack Obama and Northern Illinois. I'm wondering if you or anyone you know is going to inauguration day OR if they worked on his campaign OR have some great personal story they'd like to share about the senator/president-elect. 

Second - my boss just dropped off her niece at a school in Michigan, which is being hit relatively harder than most states by the economic crisis. In the financial aid line, there was a woman who was still trying to go to school even though she had just lost her job and because of a divorce, found herself in $100,000+ of debt. There was another student who was downgrading their class-load to part-time student status because they couldn't afford to be a full-timer. Some students are pulling out of school all together because they or their parents have lost their jobs and can no longer afford it. I'm curious about NIU and if it has seen similar situations.

I know that one is a much more sensitive topic. But if you or someone you know has had their academic ambitions changed by the economy, I'd love to have a chance to talk about it for this story. Just leave a comment or shoot me an email. (Check the blogger profile page for that.)


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